

13 lbs (small)
5+ years
San Francisco

This guy exudes coolness, confidence and charisma. He is a crowd favorite at Muttville and a friend to everyone in the community. There’s nothing not to love about this sweet boy. In his free time he enjoys staying healthy and fit by practicing doggy yoga while sipping on his daily glass of Kombucha. He has always been the A+ student – the top of his class. He likes to air on the side of caution before diving right into things. But once he commits to something there’s no turning back. He puts his heart and soul into everything he does, including showering his humans with love and affection.Here is what his foster has to sayCalvin is now walking three times a day right along with my other dogs, and he now gets very excited to see the harness and leash. He still prefers to be picked up/ held while the harness is put on, but it’s actually the most adorable thing. I bring out the leash and squat down, and he stands on his back legs and reaches for me so I can pick him up and put on his harness. He has lots of energy and trots along so happily when we’re out. When there are new things he hasn’t seen before, like gardeners, delivery people, or other neighbors and dogs walking, he will stop and sit or just stop and stare, but once he’s had a good long look, he moves on again.In our second week together he has come out of his shell so much, and his energy level has increased substantially. He races around the yard and tries to get his foster brothers to play. Sadly, they’re both super old and aren’t terribly interested, but Calvin is very polite about it and reads their signals well. He really really loves butt scratches and sitting on the couch with us. I don’t think it will be long before he puts all of his old worries behind leaving only his true joyful and outgoing personality.